If you've ever heard this phrase before, then you've experienced Bikram Yoga: a sequence of 26 poses in a heated room, created by Bikram Choudhury from Hatha yoga. There are over 600 muscles in the human body, Bikram yoga works every single muscle, to maintain optimum health and maximum function of the body.
Personal experience: As I walked into a carpeted room, I knew it was going to be hot; but not 105f degress/40% humidity. I laid out my mat and began "Savasana" (Dead Body pose), just thinking "How am I going to get through these next 90 minutes?!" I've been practicing Vinyasa yoga for a while now but nothing like this; my fear soon washed away with the sweat dripping from my body. Bikram has become my new addiction, I'm beginning to lose unnecessary weight, shaping my body and changing my life altogether, mind, body and soul. Now I walk into class excited about the next 90 minutes of "Me Time" - believing if I can do this, I can do anything.
Image provided by Instagram: @TheGoodQuote
Check out site for more information: www.bikramyoga.com
Favorite studio in the Nova area: Bikram Tysons Hot Yoga Studio
(Come join me on a journey of healthy living) :)
Let me know your favorite bikram posture.... Mine is posture #6
Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (Standing Bow Pulling Pose)
Image courtesy of www.bikramormond.com